Next I fitted them in the caravan, but with varying moisture levels the adhesive backing was giving up the will to live and they started to look a bit untidy so I ripped them out. I've tried using them loose in the awning for a year, but the only time they looked neat was when we put up the full awning and was able to use cable ties to secure them to poles, the rest of the time they looked like a draping mess!
A few weeks back a twitter/facebook friend posted a video on YouTube which gave me an idea. His channel can be found HERE
A visit to B&Q was necessary on a wet Sunday morning and I returned with a length of 40mm waste and 3 t junctions.
Armed with a drill, saw and glue gun I set about making my masterpiece.
1 - Stick LED strip to waste pipe. This should have been the easy bit as LED strips come with an adhesive backing, but as I'd used mine previously it was no more, so a rather fiddly 3o mins with a hot glue gun followed.
2 - The control box and switch are glued to the pipe and cable clips glues to hold wires in place.
3 - The base is next. I cut off 4 x 200mm pieces for the out legs and 2 x 50mm pieces for joining the 3 T pieces together. Using the glue gun I assemble the base with one of the T pieces at 90 deg to the other two.
4 - The 4 x 200mm pieces are now glued into place and holes drilled for pegging down if required.
5 - The light pole is not glued into place but will insert "dry fit" into the base, a hole is drilled so that a peg or similar can be used to lock into place.
The finished article, not everyone's cup of tea, but I like it.
One hour, start to finish.
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