
Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Vera goes into semi retirement

For those of you that are regular readers, you'll be aware that we've been using a Volvo V70 RDesign to drag our tin shed around the UK for the last 3 years,

Regular readers will also be aware that Herself has a knackered knee.  A recent scan revealed it's going to get no better without surgery, so we were faced with a dilemma.

Herself's ride for the past few years has been a Renault Megane, which is both a manual gear box and quite low down - not really fit for purpose with a knackered knee.

Discussions were had.  While I love a big 4x4 for towing, I can't justify (or really afford) fueling it up for the 18k miles I do per year.  Herself however only did 3k miles last year.  After much deliberation it was decided that we would PX her Megane for a 4x4 that she would use as her daily and we could reserve for towing duties.

Meet Toyah.  High enough for Herself to slide into and with an automatic transmission.

Towbar going on next week and a trip booked for mid December.